Current strip

Today's news:

If anything convinced me not to completely redesign my main page and not to ever put ads on here, it's the FARK redesign that went online yesterday (and the reactions it generated).
I could probably get used to the new main page, but my eyes are burning from reading the comment pages. Luckily it looks like they're still tweaking it, and by the time this little blurb here goes online, FARK might actually be usable again ... if not: the PDA version is much easier on the eyes.

Update: They've been tweaking and the site is somewhat better now, but in the process they made the PDA version pretty much unreadable on normal browsers. Oh well.

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Java puzzle Friday: Building houses (Thanks, Alvan)

Author's notes:

Yes, this really is indoors. I wonder who has to clean that up? ;P

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