Current strip

Today's news:

I'll have to take another week-long break from drawing -- I'm just completely stressed out :(. Don't worry, the comic will update as usual, there's still enough buffer. I'm just getting slightly worried that I'll never be able to refill it to the 3 months it should be ;)

Toplist news:
KillBoredom weekly top list: #1 again. Yay!
Vote incentives (both TWC and bCx reset today, so your votes really make a difference now!):
At TWC: The very first cast sketches, from spring 2003 or so (when SHD-WK was in the first planning stage).
At bCx: The first sketch of Alastair (coloured), from about the same time.
And don't forget to vote at Webbed!

New fanart too!

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Remember when I linked to that scary caving story two years ago? The Dionaea House makes for another great creepy story, it's 2.5 years old already but maybe some of you haven't read it yet :)

Author's notes:

This is the next morning, even though I didn't put a "Next morning" box in panel 1 ;)

I know many people will say, "how can he be like this? Why isn't he doing anything about the situation?" ... but I think that, being who he is, he cannot react in any other way. Feel free to join the forum and discuss :)

SHD-WK Forum

Spiky's World