Current strip

Today's news:

Awfully tired again today ... does anyone even read Spiky's World? I should probably run a poll about it. I didn't get any complaints about yesterday's posting about possibly quitting, so maybe that's what I should do. Or make it an irregular feature.

Did you know that next Saturday is Online Comics Day? I'm trying to at least have something up for that occasion.

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Friday Flash Game! OK, it's not Friday, but there won't be a Spiky-link tomorrow, I need space for a longer blog entry ;) MAKIBISHI COMIC is an awesome (but somewhat difficult) point-and-click adventure type flash game, in which you have to find five (or six?) hidden Shinobi. (Load times are a bit slow ... be patient.)

Author's notes:

I don't think Lord Thurlow would ever disown him, really. But I can see how Helena is worried about that.

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