Current strip

Today's news:

All right, top list summary....
SHD-WK actually made it to #1 on the KillBoredom weekly top list. Maybe I should add KillBoredom to the box at the bottom after all. Thanks to all who took the time to vote!

At TWC, SHD-WK is not in the Top 100 yet, so as a vote incentive, if you vote there this week, you can see the new button ad I made to advertise SHD-WK this week (it goes with the current set of comics;)). So vote there if you want to see it -- or hope you spot it on one of the sites I'm advertising on :)

Also, just for this week, I'm running the archive ads also on the main page. Consider it an experiment...

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Go whale watching - with this life-size flash banner. (Thanks Alvan!)

Author's notes:

No, this is not filler week. It's experiment week. Trust me, this has meaning :) (And yes, the horizon is tilted on purpose, too)

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