Current strip

Current mood: OK.

Hey, here's a sneak preview for comic #320. Yup, that's how far along my buffer is currently :) Nope, that's not my current standard style of drawing the comic.

If I didn't hate webcomic top lists, this would be my vote incentive or something.

Spiky's Link of the Day:

OK... I'm weird if I find Massive Multiplayer Pong really addictive, right? (Requires Flash 8).

Current (and future :)) update schedule:

Author's notes:

Why can't my characters ever look the same when I draw them in the same position twice in a row? I know, I could just copy and paste, but I want to avoid that as much as I can. I'm not learning anything from that, and it just looks - sterile, or something.
Overall, I think this one turned out OK though. Although a smiling Baron still creeps me out ;P

This month's sponsor:   Spikydragon shirts.

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