Current strip

Current mood: Tired.

On Saturday, all the snow came off our roof. This meant several hours of shovelling snow on Sunday.... At least now the doors and windows are free again. It's somewhat funny to be snowed in like that.

But now, spring begins! Well not outside here yet, but at least on the calendar.

Spiky's Link of the Day:

OK... this is not exactly safe for work or safe for kids, but I like the idea (and the execution :D): Virtual Russian Roulette (Flash).

Current (and future :)) update schedule:

Author's notes:

Somehow, I misjudged the layout of this one when writing scripts. Nothing fits. Should have made it 4 panels somehow after all. Didn't want to go back to the drawing board though...
Filled some empty space up with a screentone. Should do something about the empty space in panels 2-3 too ... I'm no good with drawing indoor backgrounds.

This month's sponsor:   Spikydragon shirts.

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