Current strip

Today's news:

Remember that freakin' piece of $#!% scanner I've had to use since the lightning strike last summer that destroyed my good one? Yeah. Had a brief power outage a couple days ago, no big deal, my computer is on a UPS. Well the scanner isn't, and when the power came back, it was covering my screen error messages. Then when I tried to scan some comics, I found that it had lost ALL my settings. Completely. Nowhere to be found. And it's a pain in the rear to set this thing up to begin with! It's somewhat impossible to tell it to just scan my picture the way it is without making all kinds of "improvements" in the process ... Days like these I'm getting dangerously close to just calling it quits. Still hoping that the planned break this summer will help ...

Spiky's Link of the Day:

A couple days late for Groundhog Day, Every day the same dream. (Thanks negation!)

Author's notes:

Again not too happy with the drawings -- it's probably obvious that it's a bit rushed. I've been behind on my self-imposed schedule for how long now, probably years? Hopefully the break later this year will fix things at least for a while...

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