Current strip

Today's news:

I know I said before I would try to get back to 4 updates/week by 2010, but now I don't think it's going to happen. Currently I'm having trouble to add two new comics a week to my buffer (which is a bit over 2 months at this time). I'll keep trying, and I don't think it'll ever be worse than it is now, so at least we should have 2 steady updates a week for a long time (hey, at this pace it'll be only 12 more years or so until the story is finished! ;))

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Friday Flash Game: Reflections. (I thought I might have linked to this before, but I checked and I haven't. I've linked at least twice to rather similar games though. But there's no such thing as too many laser puzzles, right? :))

Author's notes:

"And he'll probably throw me a welcoming party, too!" ;P

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