Current strip

Current mood: Angry.

Going back to work next week. Although for the first 4 months, I'll be on "probation", so to speak. Which means I won't get a salary, but the insurance will pay me some money. Of course that's a lot less than my salary, which is OK since at least in the beginning I don't have to work full time. But it's also a lot less than the sick leave money. And that sucks, because it feels like I actually have to pay for being allowed to work. :( Stupid system. And before agreeing to do things this way, I was told that the insurance money would be exactly the same as the sick leave money. And when I found out that it wasn't, they wouldn't let me go back to work normally instead...

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Zoom in... zoom out... zoom around... Zoomquilt. A collaborative art project. I could look at it for hours.

Edit: Currently, the link to the main site is apparently down. I swear, it was up for every minute of the past week, I've been there all the time...
Here's a mirror of the flash version, and one of the html version.

Edit2: Finally, here's a mirror of the Screensaver (Windows) version.

Author's notes:

I'm still not feeling well, but I'm trying now to refill my buffer anyway, because I'll be very busy throughout July and August, and probably be offline for a while in July. So I must make sure beforehand that I will have enough comics. Unfortunately that means I'll be rushing things a bit; please bear with me if the art is even more sub par than usual. After all, it's the story that counts, right?

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