Current strip

Current mood: Angry.

I'm pissed at companies (a bank, in this case) who do not keep their promises.

(In other news, antartic is SHD-WK sponsor of the month. Thanks to his help, I'll survive until the social insurance bothers to pay the money they owe me. Yay for antartic!)

Spiky's Link of the Day:

This is a cool way to tell a story: "The Dough" (flash, funnier with sound). Some banks suck!

Author's notes:

Yeah, we're not really learning anything new in this one...
It's ok I guess. Lots of small errors, nothing big. I feel a tiny bit sorry for Edgar, but that won't last very long... (And yes, I do know how that curse thing works. And I'm not even a dragon! :))

This month's sponsor:   antartic

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