Current strip

Current mood: OK.

Song I most often played last weekend: Xenophobia by Visible Wind.
Things I cooked include: green curry and riceballs.
Most relaxing thing I did: sauna.
Stuff I drew: three comics and one valentine picture.
Stressed: maybe 10%.
Tired: Still close to 100%...

Spiky's Link of the Day:

My favourite flash game by far --at the moment-- is Tontie. Strike away with your pikopiko hammer, but be warned, it's addictive!

Author's notes:

Heh, more things Vincent doesn't like to talk about. And again not enough space to tell all the details I would like to tell ;)
About the previous comic, since I received some questions:
- Yes, the mark has been there all the time. (It is visible in comics #38 and #114, for example).
- Yes, the dragon was in the room all the time. (She was under or next to the bed before panel 4, I guess.)
- No, she didn't suddenly discover that mark right then, she has seen it before. She just suddenly decided that now's the right time to ask about it.

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